The day you meet
Date you first meet
When Jupiter makes any aspect to your natal Venus is the luckiest time for meeting the right person. Jupiter is luck and Venus is love and romance.
Your Matches tab shows who is best matched to you with the highest compatibility first. Communication is #1 in any longterm relationship. Love, Chemistry, Passion, Common Interests are all part of your Synastry Essentials. Some people seem to have it all espeically is they are using our matchmaking system!
Date you first meet
When Jupiter makes any aspect to your natal Venus is the luckiest time for meeting the right person. Jupiter is luck and Venus is love and romance.
Moon and Venus in Cancer
When it comes to food, it really helps when you both have similar taste. This can be an important element of compatibility. Usually milder people like less spices and intense people love spices! Food shows the type of person and it is more important for a woman to have the nurturing side.
Jupiter in 5th
When Jupiter is in your 5th house, it is extremely lucky for proposals. Jupiter in 5th is also lucky for speculation and relationships always involve taking chances. Venus in 5th also adds the romance. Venus in 5th or Sun in 5th
Jupiter in 7th
Jupiter transiting your 7th house is the best time for marriage. Jupiter aspecing your Venus is excellent for love. Saturn making positive aspects to your Venus is great for longterm commitment.
Jupiter Venus Transits
Moon in 5th
Sun in 5th
Venus in 5th
Jupiter in 5th
Jupiter aspecting your Venus
Saturn pos aspecting your Venus
Venus in 5th, 7th or 10th
Sun in 5th, 7th or 10th
Moon in 7th
Sun in 7th
Venus in 7th
Jupiter in 7th
Your ideal match is out there and possible in our database already. Always look at the longterm possibilities and enjoying life to its fullest with the right partner.
Your ideal match is out there and possible in our database already. Always look at the longterm possibilities and enjoying life to its fullest with the right partner.
Choose from hundreds of possible matches to find the one who has the most compatibility with you. Then it is only a matter of chemistry as the common factors will help the relationship tremendously. A man always looks for someone who compliments his yang characteristics.
Choose from hundreds of possible matches to find the one who has the most compatibility with you. Then it is only a matter of chemistry as the common factors will help the relationship tremendously. A woman always looks for someone who compliments her yin characteristics.
Your most romantic love is when Neptune or Jupiter make positive transit to your Venus as you begin your journey together.
Read MoreThe most auspicious time for love, relationships, and marriage is when Jupiter makes an aspect to Venus by transit.
Read MoreThe best Time for marriage, long term friendship and commitment is when Saturn makes a positive aspect to your natal Venus.
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